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ترتيب حسب:

Journalism, Democracy, and Human Rights in Zimbabwe

من عند: Bruce Mutsvairo

Media and Democratic Transition in Zimbabwe provides an empirical analysis of Zimbabwe's ongoing stat

Fashionable Traditions: Asian Handmade Textiles in Motion

من عند: Ayami Nakatani

Textiles play a decisive role in history: attire not only indicates status, gender, ethnicity, and re

Mediated Critical Communication Pedagogy

من عند: Ahmet Atay

Mediated Critical Communication Pedagogy explores the role of both traditional and new media in criti

Climate Consciousness and Environmental Activism in Composition: Writing to Save the World

من عند: Joseph R. Lease

Now more than ever-in a time when Americans still do not believe that humans are the primary cause of

Superheroes and Masculinity: Unmasking the Gender Performance of Heroism

من عند: Sean Parson

Superheroes and Masculinity: Unmasking the Gender Performance of Heroism explores how heteropatriarch

McCarthyism in the Suburbs: Quakers, Communists, and the Children's Librarian

من عند: Allison Hepler

In 1953, Mary Knowles was fired as a branch librarian for the Morrill Memorial Library, a public libr

Crime in TV, the News, and Film: Misconceptions, Mischaracterizations, and Misinformation

من عند: Beth E. Adubato

With a combination of field experience and criminological research, this book gives insight to the ne

Health Communication and Sport: Connections, Applications, and Opportunities

من عند: Jimmy Sanderson

Health Communication and Sport: Connections, Applications, and Opportunities aggregates sport and hea