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ترتيب حسب:



Applications of Computational Intelligence in Concrete Technology

من عند: Sakshi Gupta

Computational intelligence (CI) in concrete technology has not yet been fully explored worldwide beca

Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Sport for Development and Peace

من عند: Mitchell McSweeney

This book examines the ways in which sport for development and peace (SDP) offers an opportunity for

Accomplishing Cultural Policy in Europe: Financing, Governance and Responsiveness

من عند: Christopher Mathieu

This book investigates the activities undertaken by the variety of actors that contribute to accompli

Sport Management, Innovation and the COVID-19 Crisis

من عند: Meltem Ince Yenilmez

This book looks at how sport, and sports organisations, have had to innovate during the COVID-19 pand

The Performance of Law: Everyday Lawyering at the Intersection of Advocacy and Imagination

من عند: Randy Gordon

This book considers how law is always enacted, or performed, in ways that can be analysed in relation

Routledge Handbook of Sport and Covid-19

من عند: Stephen Frawley

This book examines the initial impact of the coronavirus pandemic on global sport and the varying con

Let's Go Shopping: A Grammar Tales Book to Support Grammar and Language Development in Children

من عند: Jessica Habib

Pete and Jem are very helpful at the supermarket, but end up causing chaos with a tower of food on di


من عند: Jaume García

This book introduces econometric methods related to the use of individual data - both cross-section a

Recent Advances in Natural Products Science

من عند: Ahmed Al-Harrasi

This book provides the summarized information related to the global herbal drug market and its regula

Alternative (Im)Mobilities

من عند: Maria Alice Nogueira

By introducing the new concept of alternative (im)mobilities, this collection draws attention to a di

Closing the Writing Gap

من عند: Alex Quigley

Writing is a fundamental part of our daily lives. From writing emails to preparing job applications,

Viruses and Society

من عند: Patricia G. Melloy

Viruses and Society is geared towards professionals and students in college-level introductory biolog

Straight Choices: The Psychology of Decision Making

من عند: Ben R. Newell

Straight Choices provides a fascinating introduction to the psychology of decision making, enhanced b

Hindi: An Essential Grammar

من عند: Rama Kant Agnihotri

Hindi: An Essential Grammar is a practical reference guide to the core structures and features of mod

Ransomware and Cybercrime

من عند: Andrew Jenkinson

In May 2021, Jim Gosler, known as the Godfather and commander of US agencies’ cyber offensive capabil

Teaching and Assessing Social Justice Art Education: Power, Politics, and Possibilities

من عند: Karen Keifer-Boyd

This incisive and wholly practical book offers a hands-on guide to developing and assessing social ju

Self-Organised Schools: Educational Leadership and Innovative Learning Environments

من عند: Alberto F. De Toni

Self-Organised Schools: Educational Leadership and Innovative Learning Environments describes the res

Complexity in Second Language Study Emotions: Emergent Sense-making in Social Context

من عند: Richard J. Sampson

This book offers a socially-situated view of the emergence of emotionality for additional language le

The Most Important Asset: Valuing Human Capital

من عند: Robert Greene

The principles of sound human resource management are generally understood, but too often practitione

Experiencing Endings and Beginnings: From Birth to Old Age

من عند: Isca Wittenberg

Experiencing Endings and Beginnings highlights the emotional turmoil which, to a greater or lesser ex

Navigating Telehealth for Speech and Language Therapists: The Remotely Possible in 50 Key Points

من عند: Rebekah Davies

There is so much to consider in any clinical consultation: identifying the individual is the one you

Hacking Healthcare: How AI and the Intelligence Revolution Will Reboot an Ailing System

من عند: Tom Lawry

In his book, AI in Health: A Leader’s Guide to Winning in the New Age of Intelligent Health, author T

A Primer for the Clinician Educator: Supporting Excellence and Promoting Change Through Storytelling

من عند: Larrie Greenberg

This concise, introductory primer has been written specifically for clinician educators (CEs), partic

Sequence Space Theory with Applications

من عند: S. A. Mohiuddine

The book features original chapters on sequence spaces involving the idea of ideal convergence, modul

Healthcare Analytics: Emergency Preparedness for COVID-19

من عند: Edward M. Rafalski

The first COVID-19 case in the US was reported on January 20, 2020. As the first cases were being rep

Hacking Healthcare: How AI and the Intelligence Revolution Will Reboot an Ailing System

من عند: Tom Lawry

In his book, AI in Health: A Leader’s Guide to Winning in the New Age of Intelligent Health, author T

International Case Studies on Tourism Destination Management and COVID-19: Impacts and Responses

من عند: Simon Hudson

International Cases on Tourism Destination Management and COVID-19 provides students, lecturers and p

Virtual Power Plant Solution for Future Smart Energy Communities

من عند: Ehsan Heydarian-Forushani

This book provides a general overview of virtual power plants as a key technology in future energy co
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