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ترتيب حسب:

This Is Balanced Literacy, Grades K-6

من عند: Douglas Fisher

All the tips and tools you need to realize the goal of balanced literacy learning. Students learn to

Behavioral Neuroscience - International Student Edition: Essentials and Beyond

من عند: SAGE Publications Inc

Behavioral Neuroscience: Essentials and Beyond, First Edition offers a modern and research-based pers

The On-Your-Feet Guide to Visible Learning: Assessment-Capable Learners

من عند: John T. Almarode

All On-Your-Feet Guide orders receive FREE SHIPPING! Use code SHIPOYFG at check out. Developing learn

Creating a Self-Directed Learning Environment: Standards-Based and Social-Emotional Learning

من عند: Greg Mullen

Educate the whole child-improve the whole school. Implementing new teaching practices can feel like j

Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Theory, Method and Research

من عند: Jonathan A. Smith

'It is not often I can use "accessible" and "phenomenology" in the same sentence, but reading the new

The California ELD Standards Companion, Grades 3-5

من عند: Ivannia Soto

For California teachers only! Here at last is that single teaching resource for making the critical l

Argument-Based Validation in Testing and Assessment

من عند: Carol A. Chapelle

Carol A. Chapelle shows readers how to design validation research for tests of human capacities and p

Cracking the Code of Education Reform: Creative Compliance and Ethical Leadership

من عند: Christopher H. Tienken

Programs and policies that can hurt students and learning abound. School accountability plans, educat

The Communication Effect: How to Enhance Learning by Building Ideas and Bridging Information Gaps

من عند: Jeff Zwiers

The "communication effect" is what happens when we saturate our classrooms with authentic communicati

Don′t Suspend Me!: An Alternative Discipline Toolkit

من عند: Jessica Hannigan

Organized to help educators implement alternative discipline, this updated edition frames discipline


من عند: Jerry M Burger

In Jerry M. Burger and Gretchen M. Reevy′s Personality, 11e the historical underpinnings of core theo

Engaged Criminology: An Introduction

من عند: Rena Zito

Engaged Criminology invites students to learn and think like a criminologist by adopting an active le

Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Caught in the ACT

من عند: Daniel E Hall

Fundamentals of Criminal Law: Caught in the Act offers you an accessible, comprehensive and contempor

Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Sociology of Group Conflict and Change

من عند: Joseph F Healey

Known for its clear and engaging writing, the bestselling Race, Ethnicity, Gender, and Class: The Soc

Lifespan Development: Lives in Context

من عند: Tara L Kuther

How does context impact human growth and development? Do the places, sociocultural environments, and

Cognition: Theories and Applications

من عند: Stephen K Reed

A classic text for the undergraduate Cognitive Psychology course, Cognition: Theories and Application

The Essentials of Lifespan Development: Lives in Context

من عند: Tara L Kuther

In The Essentials of Lifespan Development, best-selling author Tara L. Kuther examines the ways in wh

Interpersonal Encounters: Connecting Through Communication

من عند: Laura K Guerrero

With a practical and innovative approach, Interpersonal Encounters: Connecting through Communication

Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Elementary Reading: Five to Thrive [series]

من عند: Christina Nosek

Research-backed, classroom-tested advice helps reading teachers build and maintain an inclusive readi

Step Into Student Goal Setting: A Path to Growth, Motivation, and Agency

من عند: Chase Nordengren

By demonstrating goal setting as an integral instructional strategy, this guide gives teachers the to

Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action

من عند: Anna Y Leon-Guerrero

Empower your students to become part of the solution. The new Seventh Edition of Social Problems: Co

Reclaiming Personalized Learning: A Pedagogy for Restoring Equity and Humanity in Our Classrooms

من عند: Paul Emerich France

Updated with insights from the pandemic, this second edition includes practical guidance on inclusive

Answers to Your Biggest Questions About Teaching Secondary Math: Five to Thrive [series]

من عند: Frederick L. Dillon

Designed for just-in-time learning and support, this practical resource gives you brief, actionable a

Lifespan Development - International Student Edition: Lives in Context

من عند: Tara L. Kuther

Taking a chronological approach, Lifespan Development: Lives in Context, Third Edition follows three

The Essentials of Lifespan Development - International Student Edition: Lives in Context

من عند: Tara L. Kuther

In The Essentials of Lifespan Development: Lives in Context, best-selling author Tara L. Kuther exami
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